Monday, November 24, 2008

Last Office Visit?

We had her follow up on Friday at the pediatric neurologist's office. She was so happy with her progress (walking and babbling) and said not to worry about her not saying any words yet since she is obviously talking in her own way. At first she didn't want to do a follow-up EEG at all but then decided we probably should just to make everyone feel better but she needs to be off meds for a month. I told her we would get one when we come back from Hawaii in Jan so just in case we do get bad news, we don't spoil the vacation. She said "That is such a healthy way of thinking and so smart, I am impressed" I was sort of surprised I said it too.

We have been so caught up in how fragile Cora is for so long that we have forgotten how to be normal. We are finally finding ourselves saying things like "she is being a pain" or "what a dork" without (huge) pangs of guilt for making fun of/being frustrated with/or mad at a sick baby.

So we can't write the whole ordeal off yet since she still has an EEG in Jan but Dr Metrick said that all the patients with IS that she has had, that have gotten healthy, have remained healthy. So that is really reassuring and we feel confident that her EEG in Jan will be normal and that we won't have to go back to see Dr Metrick.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


I saw this on a good friend's (Aly) blog and I decided to make one. I think it is a really neat way to look at our little experience. The larger words were used more often.

If you want to make one go here - Wordle

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

We're Done!!!!

We just gave Cora her last pill! 140 days on Topamax. We don't know if our journey is over or not but it was thrilling to end the meds. She is eating so much better and in general is happier. She is also a lot sweatier. We knew that the drugs could cause her ability to sweat to decrease but we had seen her sweat so we didn't worry about it. Wow she is a sweaty little piglet and we are loving every minute of it.

She is also walking a lot now. She still thinks crawling is easier but is choosing walking more and more. Now we hope that with an increased appetite she can fill up during the day and maybe (oh please oh please) sleep through the night.

She has a follow-up with Dr Metrick on the 24th to discuss what our plans for the future are and I will update then.
