Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Winter time fun!

Here are a few recent pics of the winter time here at our house.

Cora watching the snow fall.

Getting ready to walk to Papa and Wawa's

Decked out in snow gear.

In her Christmas dress.

Her very first bike. Can you tell she is excited?

Doing the only cool thing there is at Jantzen Beach.

As Peaseblossom at Mikenzie's Graduation Party.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Talking....and talking.

Cora has obviously been talking for a while now, so the fact that she is talking isn't that impressive. But what she has been saying is

Example A:
(holding hand out flat)
Cora : Riiiilleeeey eat the apple.
Me: Are you feeding Riley (Mom and Rick's horse)?
Cora: Mmm hmm Riley eats hay and apples.
Me: You are genius!

Example B:
Me (and Mom, she can't pretend like she wasn't part of this): Cora, I don't want you to ever say this again but can you show Ninny how you say Douche bag?
Cora: Doooose bad.
Ninny (my mom): Can you say putz?
Cora: Putz!
Me: Okay last one, can you say wiener.
Cora: wiiieeennnnerr!!.....pause.....DADDY'S WIENER!!!

Good thing we were at a stop light. We would have run off the road laughing.