Tuesday, November 9, 2010

whoops 2 months later!!

Here are some lovely images from Cora's birthday and Halloween!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Cora had her first few days of preschool this week!!

It didn't go great. She is having a hard time adjusting (me too!) but she looked adorable!!!!

My favorite!!

oooh maybe this is my favorite.

...or maybe this one.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Dress Up

Cora loves to play "dress up". She can't go anywhere without her at least two accessories - normally a purse and  lip gloss!!

And here is one that I just love! I was talking on the phone with my mom when I looked out in the back yard and saw this - 

They have so much fun together!

I know these posts are few and far between but watch for September because big things will be happening for Cora!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Independence Day

Today we celebrate the second year of Cora being seizure free!!

Hug your family. Eat some Apple Pie. Enjoy the 4th of July!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


The rain didn't seem to let up at all until last night. This was our sweet reward for it.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Rainy Days

Having a 2.5 year old inside all day is a pretty interesting task. So today Kris and I decided to take a little lesson from Nick Jr.'s "Ni Hao, Kai Lan". We put our rain gear on and took a little walk.

Here our some pictures of our short adventure! It was dry and consisted almost entirely of sniffing flowers.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Baby days are leaving.

I took this picture of Cora recently. When I saw it, it almost made me gasp. She looks so grown up.

The only saving grace is that she is not wearing a shirt. The fact that she refuses to wear clothes most of the time proves she is still a baby - right? right?!?

Monday, April 12, 2010

A little "Me" post!

I ran my first 1/2 Marathon yesterday!! I am still completely wiped out but am very happy I did it.

My little trophy at the end really made it all worth it.

That and when were standing in line to get my "Finisher Photo" taken she said - "Mommy, I so proud of you!" and gave me a big hug. Everyone around us went "awwwww". It was a little bit of a tearjerker!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Oh the drama.

Nooo my/I want/ I don't want ________ followed by throwing herself on the floor.

This is a frequent scene in our house. She is mostly just this hilarious little sweet thing and then all of the sudden drama drama drama out of no where.

It cracks me up...when it isn't making me want to run away from home.

New skills -
~Knows her alphabet (can point to and name all letters)
~Can count to 13
~Finally figured out the difference between "my" and "I"

Favorite books -
~Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus
~Fancy Nancy
~Leonardo the Terrible Monster

Favorite Songs -
~What's This - Nightmare Before Christmas Soundtrack
~Let's Get Together - The Parent Trap Soundtrack (or as she calls it the "alligator song"
~Manah Manah - (The Cake version)

And in the shocking category she HATES cereal. Who on earth hates cereal? I would only eat cereal if there were no rules.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Piano Prodigy

Cora loves to play all sorts of instruments - the harmonica, the guitar and bass, the drums and, of course, the piano.

(I promise Ellen, we will have her painting and sewing too!)

And one for fun!