Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cora in Love

Cora has met Henry before but he seemed different this summer...more grown up, handsome, just one kiss...hee hee.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Potty training?

I think we have officially started active potty training. I decided to show her the potty a while ago. I bribed her to sit on it with cookies and had the potty chair in the living room. She has gone on it a few times after sitting there for several minutes. Until yesterday.

Yesterday she went into the bathroom, pointed at the potty chair, squatted and said "cookie". I though she wants a cookie and thinks she needs to sit there to get one but, alright. So I pulled the potty out super quick sat her on it and she went almost immediately!! She asked for it a couple more times during the day and always went when asked if she needed to.

I am so impressed. I love what a big girl she is becoming.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

One Year

I find it fitting that my mom and I would see Rent so close to Cora's One Year Seizure Free Anniversary.

This year has taught us patience, appreciation, true love, and the importance of friends and family. We have also learned how much we can survive.

Cora surprises us everyday and while I am sure the complete astonishment at where she is versus where we thought she (and we) would be at this point in her life will slowly fade, and her daily routine and accomplishments, will simply become just those things and not miraculous feats of odds defiance, we have not yet had a single small step not warm our heart.

Happy Independence Day indeed.

For those of you who haven't seen Rent check out the song Seasons of Love.