Monday, August 31, 2009

Bad Bad Blogger

This summer has been insane. We have already been to 3 weddings and have one more left. Cora seems to be loving all the action around the house since she is talking and dancing like there is no tomorrow. All of this activity though has slowed potty training a little. We are still working on it and we now have a chart system but it her success really depends on our ability to stay on top of it. Sadly, that isn't always easy.

Her new favorite words are colors. Especially pink and yellow - or kink and wellwoah. She loves coloring and playing pretend.

Here is Cora chatting in the tub. Her voice is kinda scratchy because she has a cold but it was just too cute. Ignore the weird face that this is paused on. I promise she is much cuter than that ;)