Saturday, January 31, 2009

We have words!!!

Cora has started speaking a little English. She now says "Hi", "Doggy", "Woof Woof", and "All Done". She also points to her belly, to Mommy's nose, and to her BFF Baron. We are so proud of her!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Completely Perfectly Normal

Those were the nurses exact words when she called from Dr Metrick's office. I managed to stutter out "So...we're done?" "You're done!" I asked her so what do we say when a medical sheet asks if she has epilepsy. She said to make a note about the IS and that the medicine took care of it and all EEGs are clean. She then told me to have a great weekend.

You could have knocked me over with a feather when I hung up the phone. And then I started bawling. To go from having a child that may never walk or talk to "completely perfectly normal" in 6 months is a lot to take in. I have never felt more grateful in my life, this is on par with the day she was born.

We have received an unimaginable amount of support and prayers and love from family, friends and complete strangers. We cannot possibly tell you how much everyone's kindness has not only made us feel happy and loved but kept us from sliding into complete despair. We can never repay everyone however we promise, as a family, to pay it forward every opportunity we get.

Note:This will not be the end of this blog but the focus will change and be more on Cora's continuing development. She amazes us everyday. Plus I will occasionally post different information and events focused on Epilepsy as many people who read this site are from the Infantile Spasms community. I already plan on doing the Northwest Run/Walk for Epilepsy 2009.